Super Silver Haze
Skunk x Northern Lights x Haze
(FEELS designation is subject to change based on terpene analysis results per batch)
GROWER QUOTE + tasting notes:
Super Silver Haze has a pungent smell with big notes of lemon and nice undertones of menthol and pine, the limonene and pinene terps really come out in this strain. Typical sativa spear shaped nugs that are covered in trichomes and are a brilliant shade of bright green

Total Terps 1.4%. Unique profile: Terpinolene (energizing), Caryophyllene (pain relief), Myrcene (sedative and relaxing),
**subject to change**
THC - 23.35%
CBD - .1%
CBG - 2%
typical experiences:
When smoked the scent of dank lemon takes hold of the room. It’s extremely smooth on the inhale. You pick up those lemon and pine tastes and you get left with that nice clear-headed sativa high. It’s a good smoke for when you have stuff to do that day and won’t leave you locked into the couch.